Rhode Island DJ Rocks

Being a Rhode Island DJ who started in big Rock clubs, it may seem today since I offer such a diverse collection of music that I ever was a Rocker but I was. In some ways, I still am.

Rhode Island DJ plays The Beatles

Another benefit of modern technology is the ability for a Rhode Island DJ or Boston DJ to grow a huge musical library of many genres. It is fun and not as much trouble as you may think. I find the greatest stumbling block for any Rhode Island DJs is their ego, this may be even more so with Boston DJs, no disrespect intended. So many DJs think that they are the music they play. This may be true for the actual writers and musicians but not necessary for a good DJ.


For example, if I am hired to DJ a Sweet Sixteen for a nice Latina who likes Hip Hop, Salsa, Bachata and Reggaeton, does that make me all of those things? If we add Top 40 to the mix does that change who I am?

Rhode Island DJ plays Kanye West

Of course not.

Rhode Island DJ plays Katy Perry

There are many differences between songwriters, musicians and DJs, musical identity is just one. Years of training to excel is another, as is the level of talent to start performing. Let’s not kid ourselves, there are some awful New Jersey & Boston DJs out there performing and getting paid with little or no actual live experience but rarely will a newbie pianist go out and ask for money to perform. They practice and train for years first before having the confidence and competence to get out in front of a real audience. Of course there are exceptions but I think the point is true.


New Jersey & Boston DJs are different bread. We can fake our way through the early days with little talent, experience or training. I did. I was performing on radio and in clubs within six months of learning how to DJ, and this was before we went digital and the software did most of the work for you. Today a DJ can get by with little or no knowledge of what makes an exceptional DJ. Those of us who have been doing this for a long time are generally available to offer guidance and direction to new DJs. I do this regularly as DJ and Teacher Coordinator for The Barefoot Boogie in NYC. I am fully aware that when we train a new DJ that he or she is not performing for money but at a social dance event. My training for a new DJ that wants to work for me is much different. It takes many gigs and experience before we can send them out to your event for money.

Rhode Island DJ plays Bob Marley

Back when I first started as a Rhode Island Rock DJ, it was about the music and the music only. My love for being a professional DJ came from being a professional DJ. I did not dream about being a professional Rhode Island DJ but once my hands started cueing up those black vinyl records and the crowd responded; I was hooked. Still am all these years later! I knew even back them I had a gift and it was a gift meant to be shared with others. I may not listen to as much Rock music as I used to but still get fired-up when the right jam comes on the radio or is being pumped out of my BOSE L1 system at a professional DJ gig.

Rhode Island DJ plays Jimi Hendrix

Do you think musicians and professional DJs are similar or different? In what ways are they similar and different?

DJ Mystical Michael – Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ