Hey Hey We’re The Monkees: A Rhode Island DJ Remembers

I was just a little boy when I first saw The Monkees on TV; we still called it television back then.  They were a hilarious group of guys who happened to also make music, at least that is how I viewed them at the time through my child’s mind. I sang their songs and even owned a few of their albums including The Monkees and More of The Monkees.  In fact, I had an argument with my second grade teacher about the proper spelling of the word monkey since I have had ‘proof’ that it was spelled monkee, not monkey.

DJ Mystical Michael plays The Monkees


As I got a little bit older as an adolescent, I never admitted liking The Monkees when I was younger; I was too ‘cool’ for that. I never even threw my Monkees records away. They weren’t playable due to the fact that I was a kid and records of both sizes made great Frisbees.


Davy Jones was a legend among girls my age. They would swoon at the mere mention of his name. A photo would produce sighs and giggles without the ability for them to stop themselves. I think somewhat analogous to DJ Mystical Michael plays The Monkees with Davy JonesJustin Bieber today. Thee 60’s had many heartthrobs and Davy Jones was at the top of the list.


Many artists have either recorded, performed or credited The Monkees including Run-DMC. A little known fact is The Jimi Hendrix Experience was an opening act for The Monkees in July of 1967 and it was their first American concert tour. Hendrix music and sexual nature did not go over well with The Monkees wholesome teen audience. Hendrix gave the audience the ‘middle finger’ several times and eventually quit the tour due to his lack of audience appreciation.  It is funny to think of Hendrix and The Monkees together on a concert tour and Hendrix being booed of stage in favor of The Monkees.


The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have snubbed The Monkees allegedly due to them not playing their own instruments often on their records, which is more commonplace today than it was in the 60’s.

DJ Mystical Michael plays The Monkees


Regardless of what you think about The Monkees as musicians, they were an incredibly talented group of guys that made music fun and had no trouble playing absolute fools on TV. They entertained a generation in a way not previously demonstrated. They made five #1 albums and three #1 singles in a two-year period. Pretty impressive when you think about The Beatles and The Beach Boys were part of their competition.


Davy, thanks for the fun, laughs, music and memories. You gave us all permission to not think that music or life needs to be all that serious most of the time.


DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ