Professional DJs Know Kids Like To Move Too!

If you do enough parties and weddings as a professional DJ , it is inevitable that you will get to witness young kids taking over the dance floor. I get a kick out of watching all the adults circle around the young folks in a circle clapping and cheering. Sometimes they will just join the adults and teens on the dance floor like they are supposed to be there, and why not?


Let’s take a look at kids on the dance floor with and without the adults and teens.



Wouldn’t It be great if we could all have this much fun on the dance floor solo?



Isn’t she absolutely adorable?



Out amongst the ladies doping his thing.



Giving The Bridesmaid a run for her money.



The bandana is great!



A fine young gentleman indeed.



OK, not really a ‘kid’ but I couldn’t help it:)

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ