Rhode Island Wedding DJ Without Competition

I have been noticing that Rhode Island Wedding DJs are competing more and more for the Rhode Island Wedding DJ market. Competition is good for any industry, it creates fair price points and promotes excellence. These are the positives to industry professional competition. Of course, there are negatives to Rhode Island Wedding DJ competition as well. They are the area of concern for me.

Fun Rhode Island Wedding DJ

It seems that some of the newer, younger Rhode Island Wedding DJs think that trying to create negative public impressions of the competition is helpful.  These inexperienced to the professional Wedding industry do not understand that what you said or wrote bad about Rhode Island Wedding DJs on Craigslist, Twitter, Facebook or You Tube, also reflects on them as well. This is not to mention that public insults and gossip are bad for the Soul of the individual. Let’s be honest here, we all know that many of you have experienced some really awful Wedding DJs ruin an otherwise great Wedding. This is unfortunate for the Bride and Groom, since we do not get a redo the following week to make it right.

Fun Rhode Island Wedding DJ

Rhode Island Wedding DJ Preparation

I was just on the phone with an interesting Bride getting married this summer. We were laughing at the fact that the Wedding DJ that is not prepared for your Wedding may ruin it and not have the opportunity to fix their lack of preparation or attention to detail. Weddings take a very focused and concentrated effort by the Wedding DJ before we arrive. We need to make sure all equipment is functioning optimally and this is true for our back-up gear as well. It is not enough to just download all the music that the Bride and Groom have put on their Must-Play and Would-Like Played lists, we need to make sure each file works with our DJ software before we leave home. Early on I learned the hard way that every now and then, about 1:500 ratio, we have a bad music file. This happened two summers ago for a Bride and Groom’s First Dance! I felt awful and quickly switched to another song but there was no way to fix it live. They were so disappointed and it has left a mark on me to be ridiculously diligent when preparing for each Wedding. I recognize that it borders on obsessive, but I think it is worth it to never experience that again, especially for the Bride and Groom!

I think it is important that all Rhode Island Wedding DJs show respect and support for each other. I am fortunate that I have never experienced any of the bad blood that seems to be cultivated these days between the couple thousand of us in the area who provide Music, MC and DJ services in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania for local Brides and Grooms. It is hard enough trying to find an excellent Wedding DJ without having all the negativity added to the equation.

Fun Rhode Island Wedding DJ

I invite all professional Rhode Island Wedding DJs to respect their competition and more importantly, provide excellent DJ & MC services to all the Brides and Grooms we are hired to create amazing Weddings for. You deserve nothing but excellence at your Wedding and should be able to count on your Wedding DJ to give you at least that, if not more.

Fun Rhode Island Wedding DJ

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & Boston DJ


2 thoughts on “Rhode Island Wedding DJ Without Competition

  1. Hi, I need a fair priced wedding dj for april 2014 in warwick ri Could you let me know your prices thanks

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