A Great DJ Gig!

At the end of every gig, a professional DJ gets the opportunity to observe how the guests and dancers have enjoyed the night. We look for the color in their skin, brightness in their cheeks and eyes and the ‘vibe’ of thorough enjoyment.  We can see in your whole being when we have done a great DJ job successfully. Lately I have been fortunate enough to witness this on a regular basis. I do not know what I am doing different but it seems something is happening to facilitate such contentment and joy on so many faces. It is such a treat for me to be able to do my part as a professional DJ to help make great events even greater.


On Saturday night I was again DJ at the Barefoot Boogie in NYC.  It is a freestyle dance event that is fun, creative and an environment for suppopprtive community building. We have a great time. This past event was even more so than usual. I left feeling as if I had somehow taken the gift of DJ to a new level. While I was packing up gear, several of the dancers appraoched me with phrases like “Heaven, just Heaven DJ Michael”, “That was such an amazing DJ set Michael!”, “Can you come to my house and do this every night so I can go to sleep with a smile on my face like tonight?” and “Thank you. I want to say more but really thank you is the only thing that is appropriate.”.


We had a good night and the beaming faces full of life and vitality were the evidence I needed as we turned out the lights and filed into the 10th floor elevator out of Insight Meditation Center. Another great gig for me to participate as professional DJ.


DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ