Third World Try Jah Love

Third World Try Jah Love is a great, fun, feel-good song with awesome rhythm and melodies. It was partially written by Stevie Wonder and he arranged and produced it. For a short time, this song was popular in the club scene with many professional DJs and among open-minded rock listeners. Reggae had not really made its way like it is today in The States except for Bon Marley and Peter Tosh.


In case you are interested, “Jah”, from the title Third World Try Jah Love, is from the Hebrew word that is the unmentionable name of God translated into Rastafarian Culture although taken from Hebrew.


This version of Third World Try Jah Love is not as good as some others but at least you get to see the band jam and get a feel for Third World Try Jah Love. I invite you to search and listen to the longer studio version with the piano intro for professional DJs. Crank it up and rock!

Update, I was able to find the longer version!

Third World Try Jah Love:

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ

Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds

I was at a family wedding this weekend. The band played many great songs well but I was left remembering the Elvis songs the most. One of the singers had sideburns like Elvis and some similar style of representing himself. It was fun and the band was good, especially on Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds.


I remember when I was kid and the first 7-Elevin opened down the street from us with all their Slurpees and everything else that made being a kid fun. Next to the counter, there was a large album rack stuffed with really only two artists; The Beatles and Elvis Presley. I was still young and did not understand the full scope of the popularity of either of them. I guess no one did really. At the time, I did not know that Elvis made albums, since I knew him as an actor who sang in all his movies. Funny to look back now and realize how small-minded that was. Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds.


He was on the radio all the time and if not there, on the television. He was everywhere.


About 20 years ago I visited Graceland. It was an uncomfortable experience. I felt like I was spying on a man’s life and legacy without his permission. Seeing his stuff and bedroom before the age of papparazzi, felt intrusive. Truly sounds hysterically funny in a time when not only is seeing a celebrity’s house while they are not in it commonplace, today we can actually see them when they are in it! Even their bedroom and bathroom while present! If this is so out of hand as it is today with the celebrities we have now; what would it be like if Elvis was alive today? He was really the first artist that had cameras following him night and day and no one really since till this decade, not even Michael Jackson or Madonna had a following of media like Elvis Presley.


It is sad seeing his photos before and after alcohol took its toll on him.  How many of our great talented performers are we going to lose due to not being able to properly handle fame and fortune? What responsibility do we have in their demise? Jimi, Janis, Keith, Marilyn, Lindsay, Brittany, Paris just to name a few. Of course, not all that are listed qualify as ‘great’ but fame and its trappings have had such a detrimental impact on their lives. When is enough, enough? Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds

I stil get to play Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds as professional Wedding DJ on a regular basis.

Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds:

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ

Art of Noise Featuring Tom Jones Kiss

When music videos were first hitting the clubs, us professional DJs had to insert a large tape similar to VHS but bigger into a machine like a VCR for each video. It was cumbersome but we loved the idea of adding video to what people were dancing to. One club I was professional DJ during this period had a large video screen in front of the dance floor. It was fun watching peoples faces as each video played on the screen, it was still novelty then. Hard to imagine that there was a time a music video was considered novelty in a club!
One of the best at the time was Art of Noise Featuring Tom Jones Kiss. The fact that Tom Jones who was an old man by then, rockin’ out this Prince song and video made it that much fun and funnier. The graphics were more creative than most at the time and Art of Noise had created a unique sound that provided an opportunity for alternative and mainstream clubbers to share the dance floor, another rarity in those days. Professional DJs enjoyed the cross genre appeal of Art of Noise Featuring Tom Jones Kiss.

Art of Noise Featuring Tom Jones Kiss:

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ

Roxy Music Dance Away

Roxy Music, an American enigma. They reached international acclaim for their string of singles from the late 70’s through the 80’s. They reached as high as number 1 in the UK several times including number 2 for this song, Roxy Music Dance Away.


Some attribute Roxy Music along with David Bowie for the shift in the music business to include electronic instruments and melodies with horns for making a new, danceable pop music for teens, adults and professional DJs. Their music was sexy and clean at the same time.  Many bands like The Police, Duran Duran, U2 and a host of others have paid tribute to their success following that of Roxy Music Dance Away.


I had the opportunity to see them at Carnegie Hall in the mid-80’s. A great show and with a real performer who understood the fine balance between showmanship and quality sound. There are many songs of theirs that I have appreciated over the years. Roxy Music Dance Away I still sneak into certain professional DJ gigs when it makes sense.

Roxy Music Dance Away:

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ

Don McLean American Pie

Don McLean American Pie is Pop classic that has been covered by Madonna among others. This particular video demonstrates many of the lines in the song and where they were derived from. Don McLean American Pie is a deep song that is written in a fun and happy style, although not a fun or happy story.


Don McLean American Pie was one of my first cassette tapes and I loved it and played it again and again till the tape broke. I did not fully understand the story about the deaths of Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and The Big Bopper till older and then the full meaning of the lyrics older yet.


I invite you to watch Don McLean American Pie video and the story behind the story, interesting, historical and a small window into an era that has been glorified and glamorized without true inspection.

Don McLean American Pie:

DJ Mystical Michael Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ