Building A Stronger, More Diverse Rhode Island DJ Music Library

As a professional DJ in the New Jersey & New York area, we cannot be effective without an immense library of diverse DJ music; I mean we are talking diverse. One of the reasons I enjoy living in this area of the country so much is the diversity of people (and food). In New Jersey & New York us professional DJs come in all shapes, sizes, colors and tastes.


It is fun getting to know my new Brides and Grooms to help them select the right DJ music for their wedding.  It is very common, if not the norm, for me to be working with couples of different races, cultures and religions. The religious differences can sometimes present larger concerns than the colors and cultures. Many families become sensitive when thinking they are being asked to let go of certain religious traditions and rituals that they have experienced and are accustomed to. It takes some gentleness and respect to help them navigate through their differences to find a way to make sure traditions are honored without losing their value.  We have a significant Catholic and Jewish population in the New Jersey & New York area and we continue to produce weddings that mix the two and try to incorporate each partner’s religious needs. Sensitivity and patience seem to be the key.


Less challenging are weddings with New Jersey & New York Brides and Grooms from different races or cultures. It is more about mixing DJ music than changing time-honored religious traditions. Many non-religious traditions that honor a cultural are often fun, so there is less tension when incorporating these into wedding plans.  We are a diverse population here in New Jersey & New York and a Wedding DJ needs to allow you to inform us of your specific traditions and traditional DJ music to make sure we create an exceptional wedding for you. I have been fortunate to work many different styles of weddings with many different traditions; this does not mean I know every tradition from every culture. It helps that I was counselor and community organizer working with low-income and marginalized groups for more than fifteen years but I still need you to teach me what your family practices.


Earlier this week I was speaking to a Groom I may be working with this summer. His future mother-in-law is an Italian woman whom does not speak English fluently, according to him. She is concerned that there will not be enough Italian DJ music at the wedding. This is not a problem, I got it covered but will need to know what Italian DJ music she wants. Italian music is not just one genre just like American DJ music is not just one genre.


He asked me if I speak Italian. I laughed because the only Italian I ever understood was when my mother and grandmother were talking about me in Italian when I was a kid. I told him this and he laughed ands said this is the same as his fiancé. He then asked me if I have ever done a Venetian Hour at a wedding. I hesitated for second with a slight recollection but not a clear memory. I asked him to describe it to me and he explained how it is near the end of the wedding with many pastries, special cakes and coffees. I smiled and nodded my head although we were on the phone.


“Yes, I have been the Wedding DJ at this tradition before. They are great and people are very happy when filling their bellies with these incredible sweets and coffees.”


“Michael, do you know what kind of DJ music to play for this?”


I laughed again, “Italian music of course! Mostly traditional stuff with some Frank Sinatra and Jerry Vale sprinkled into keep it accessible to those who are not Italian.

“Great! This is helpful. Thank you”

“Of course, we will still want you to talk with your mother-in-law to make sure we get her favorites just to be sure.”

We continued our conversation about other details both feeling we cleared a hurdle together.  He knew he could get back with his mother-in-law and feel comfortable telling her she will be in good hands now. This is why I love being a New Jersey & New York Wedding DJ and Entertainer. There is nowhere else we get this kind of request and can actually say I have experience with this before. I look forward to their wedding and all of your weddings that make me step-up and creatively integrate cultures, traditions and music to create a great wedding for all of your friends and family. It’s your wedding, your music.


This winter I have been working diligently on increasing my DJ music library to make sure I have the best and most diverse library for your wedding or party. It is my responsibility to make sure I am ready for your event before we talk, so I can help guide you through your concerns and questions. It is my part in our process together that starts before I meet you. Back to collecting DJ music as a New Jersey & New York Wedding DJ.

Beautiful Couple Dancing to Wedding DJ Music with DJ Mystical Michael

If you have any recommendations, let me know and see if you can find one I don’t have.

DJ Mystical Michael – Rhode Island DJ & NY DJ